~ Originally Posted November 30, 2011 at 7:05 PM
A special part of our music ministry is the opportunity to share about the things that are important to us. We love to choose songs that aren't necessarily "church" songs to express this. God has done many amazing things through us and for us and with us through our involvement in sports so we love to include "Stompin' Tom's" Hockey Song and we share about some of those times.
At a service just after Remembrance Day, we had another opportunity to share. We are a family proud of our heritage and our country. Alan was born in Scotland and became a Canadian citizen in his teens. We had been touched by and shared about the Egyptian Coptic Church which gathered on Nov. 11th from 6 p.m. (11 a.m. our time) to pray for their country and we reflected how they had been persecuted in recent months and how wonderful it was to live in Canada where we could gather together and not worry about soldiers (or worse) bursting in and doing unspeakable things to those in attendance. As we were finishing up a re-write of God Bless the U.S.A. - there's a line that says - and I'll stand up next to you to defend her still today, 'cause there ain't no doubt, I love this land, God Bless Canada - everyone, the WHOLE congregation stood with us - it was incredibly powerful. We need to stand up for our country - we need to be thankful for the blessings we have, but we also have to stand up and not take it for granted. There's too much at stake.
We stand on guard for Thee!